12 AM - 11:59 PM, Aug 14 (2022) (Asia/Calcutta)

The Art & Computation Retreat (ACR)

The Art & Computation Retreat (ACR) is a two-day live action role-playing format that takes place from the 15th to 18th of September 2022.

Within the ACR artists and technologists meet in a fictional game scenario with live-action role-playing and interactive storytelling elements. On their journey through the game, they encounter the social and political challenges of AI development, learn about alternative and sustainable technologies as well as (h)activist approaches, and prototype AI art installations.

The Art & Computation Retreat is part of the KI-Camp 2023 and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.

Travel and accommodation costs for all participants will be covered by the ACR. Apply Now!

Supported by
Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller, The German Informatics Society, and The Weizenbaum-Institut